Configuring Atheer Lens Kiosk Launcher App on a Mobile Device

Installing Atheer Lens Kiosk Launcher App

Install the Atheer Lens Kiosk Launcher app following the steps in the Help Center article "Getting Started with Atheer Lens on a Mobile Device".

Once the installation is completed, open the app.

Configuring the Atheer Lens Kiosk Launcher App

Follow the steps below to configure the Atheer Lens Kiosk Launcher app:

  1. With the app open and running, tap on/press on the device's Home button.


  2. The device will prompt you with the choice of Home apps from which to choose. Tap on the Atheer Lens app choice, and then tap on the Always button. This will assign the Atheer Lens app to launch each time the home button is tapped/pressed.


  3. Tap the devices mceclip0.png (Switch App) button.


  4. Tap on the Close all button. The device will close all apps and the Atheer Lens app should be presented full-screen.


  5. Tap the devices mceclip0.png (Switch App) button again.


  6. In the Finder Search field, click on the  mceclip1.png (Overflow) menu.


  7. Tap on the Settings menu.


  8. Switch off Suggested Apps. (it might say, "Show recommended Apps.").


  9. Tap/Press the Home button.


f you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to our customer success team.

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