A New Homepage on Atheer Studio and Updated Home Screen on Atheer Lens

On Saturday October 16th we will be rolling out the latest release of Atheer (code-named Eddy).

While customer response to the Atheer Front Line Worker Platform has been fantastically positive, we have heard from our customers that streamlining the end user experience on both our mobile and browser applications would be welcomed.

As a result, Eddy Release will contain many exciting new features and capabilities (which you can review here) and also updated user experiences for mobile and browser apps, including:

  • Simplified and more intuitive landing pages,
  • Quick access links to popular features and functions,
  • Greater control over what you show to your end users
  • And much more



Experience the new Homepage on Atheer Studio

Atheer Studio has a new homepage! It’s a landing page that is similar in design and function to the Atheer Lens home screen. It provides quick access links to the features and functions of the application.

Users of Atheer Studio will now have a consistent landing page, so when they log into the application, it will provide consistency to the user experience (UX) and give users quick access to the features they need most.

The Atheer Studio homepage can be configured to present only the information your users need to see. By default, all software features and functions are available for



Enjoy the improved user experience of the Home Screen on Atheer Lens

We’ve improved the look, organization, and usability of the Atheer Lens home page, and we’ve included feature sections, quick access buttons per section, quick descriptions, and information links.

We’re continuously improving our customer user experience, providing organized and simplified access to the features and functions of the app.



Managing what is shown on the Atheer Studio Homepage

What is presented to the users on the Atheer Studio Homepage and Atheer Lens Home Screen can be managed at two different levels. It can be managed at the whole Workspace level, which affects all users, and with the new Studio Homepage, it can be managed down to the individual user level.


All users on the Workspace

To manage what is shown on the Homepage/Home Screen at the whole Workspace level, go to the Settings page on Atheer Studio, and click on the Features tab.


Here, you will be able to scroll up and down all of all of the features that you have access to enable/disable. Features that are turned on or off on this page will affect all users on the Workspace. The users on Atheer Studio will not be able to see the features that are not selected. The users on Atheer Lens will see the features, but they will be greyed out and not accessible.


Individual Atheer Lens users on the Workspace

With the Eddy release of Atheer, you have more granular management of the Atheer Studio Homepage. Once your list of features above is configured, with the Eddy release, you can now create Standard Security Roles that can further limit access to features at the user level for users on Atheer Studio.

Go to the Settings page, and click on the Security Roles tab.


Click on the NEW button, and create a new Standard Role.


You first have to name the new Standard Security Role, and then Save it. Once it's been saved, you will be presented with a list of features and functions from which you can choose. Tick the boxes on all of the features and functions you want your user to be able to access, and leave blank the features and functions you do not want them to access.


In the use case above, we want users in this Standard Security Role to be able to access AiRSessions, but not access "Conversations".

Once you've configured your features and functions settings, click on the Users tab. There, you will be able to select the use or users to whom you wish to have this role applied. Remember, though, Security Roles are cumulative. If your user has another Security Role applied, and if that other role has "Conversations" enabled, the user will still be able to access "Conversations". Be sure to remove all other Security Roles from your user accounts to which you are applying this new Standard Security Role (including "User"). That way, you can be sure that your user only has access to what you want them to have.

Here is an example of an Atheer Studio Homepage with no access to "Conversations", because of a new Standard Security Role that doesn't have "Conversations" activated:


Here is an example of an Atheer Lens Home Screen with no access to "Conversations", because of a new Standard Security Role that doesn't have "Conversations" activated:

Lens_Convo_No_Convo_4.png   Lens with "Conversations" activated                                                         Lens with "Conversations not activated


Please feel free to reach out to our customer success team for additional information.


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