What's New in the Habb Release - Drop 2

The Atheer Front Line Worker Platform Habb Release -Drop 2 will be available on Jul 15, 2022.

This latest update to the Atheer Front Line Worker Platform introduces many new capabilities designed to improve user experience, simplify AiRForm authoring, and user administration.

We invite you to schedule a demo with your Customer Success Manager or Account Executive to learn more about how the Habb release can help you with your most important work initiatives. Please remember that you have access to all the amazing features of the platform as part of your subscription - we don’t want you to miss out.

Please read on for details of the Habb Release-Drop 2!



Users will benefit from extended support for Job execution, AiRAnchors, and new AiRSession features.

Commenting while executing Jobs

Comments can be added when users are executing Jobs. Once the Job is created, your front line workers can enter comments about the Job into the comments field on the Job details page before they tap the Execute button.



Once a Job has an associated comment, the comment indicator is displayed on the Job line item in the Job board in Lens and Studio.




Tapping or clicking on the comment indicator will open up the comment. Once opened, you can review the comment(s) and click on tool buttons that allow you to resolve, edit, or delete the comment.



Giving your front line workers the ability to comment in Jobs increases visibility of issues and work progress, and it enables quick responses to outstanding issues recognized by the front line.

Support AiRAnchors on iOS

iOS is now supported for AiRAnchors-the augmented reality (AR) tags for Topics, Users, Content, and AiRForms that can be dropped in the AR world and then be easily accessed by your team when needed. Now you can create and view the title and description of the AiRAnchors, as well as its associated Topic, Content, Users, and AiRForms on iOS devices, as well as Android phones and tablets.


AiRAnchors created and placed using iOS devices can be viewed by Android devices and vice versa. AiRAnchors are now truly cross platform.


Support promoting a participant to a host in an AiRSession

The host of an AiRSession can now promote another participant to host status. Any user can be promoted to host, but there can only be one host at a time.

Simply click on the blobid1.png (overflow) menu on a user from the user list, then select “Make Host”. Then, the other participant becomes host and you are free to leave the AiRSession.


AiRSessions are now even more collaborative , as hosts can hand off the moderator rights to another participant in the AiRSession and then leave; and the AiRSession can continue without the original host.


Support added for six additional languages

We have expanded our international language support to 18 different languages adding:

  • Danish
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Swedish
  • Turkish





We’ve improved the AiRForm authoring experience to include many new features and updates that will allow you to more easily create, publish, and update AiRForms. These updates include an AiRForm approval process, adding notes and comments to AiRForms, and adding advanced arithmetic responses. We’ve also added user experience (UX) updates to simplify and streamline the use of the AiRForm authoring tool for your convenience.


AiRForm Review Process

The new AiRForm review process allows for the assignment of “reviewers” to AiRForms. These reviewers may either “approve” or “reject” an AiRForm that they are reviewing.


If approved, the author will be notified in-app and through email and will be able to publish the AiRForm. If rejected, the author will be notified, the AiRForm will revert back to the Draft state, and the author will need to review, edit, and re-submit for approval.


Many organizations have predefined reviewers for processes by function and/or expertise. The ability to define the review flow and use them in the AiRForm review cycle helps organizations ensure AiRForm quality and facilitate their compliance requirements.


Commenting on AiRForms

Comment support has been added to AiRForms allowing authors and reviewers with  comment permissions to provide feedback against areas within the AiRForm itself.

In Atheer Studio, authors and reviewers can use the Comment_Button.png (Comment) button to activate the comment drawer and leave comments. In the app drawer, they can also indicate that comments are resolved, edit comments, and delete comments.


After comments are created, authors and reviewers with the comment permission can glance at the AiRForm title and the section and step list to quickly see where unresolved comments are, and they can access and manage them by clicking on the Comments button. When they click it, the comment drawer will open, and they can mark the comment as resolved, edit the comment, or delete the comment.


The ability to make and manage comments in AiRForms allows AiRForm authors and reviewers to provide feedback and/or call out issues and get prompt resolution throughout the authoring and review process.


AiRForm Version Log

AiRForm version log allows authors to log details that are specific to the new version of the AiRForm they are creating. The log information can be set when they publish the new version. When the author clicks on the PUBLISH button, a  dialog box appears where they can add the version log information.


The version log details can be viewed across all versions of the AiRForm from the detail view.


AiRForm version logging allows authors to maintain an audit trail to track changes across versions for regulatory and/or visibility purposes.


Arithmetic Response Enhancements

The arithmetic response now supports using responses from previous steps. A new  calculation type has been added called “Custom”, which allows authors to key in the arithmetic expression.

Arithmetic responses can now be used in Multiple choice responses.


AiRForm authors can now map text values to corresponding numerical scores, which can then be used in calculations. This allows authors to use numbers from across steps in step calculations.


Other Important Enhancements

Here are some additional enhancements we've made to the AiRForm configuration tool:

  • AiRForm action buttons have moved into a new, clutter-free easy to use drop-down menu.
  • Responses in AiRForm steps can now be cloned to make authoring even easier.

  • The number of columns for Static & Dynamic table steps has increased from 6 columns to 10 columns.
  • The character limit in the step header description field has increased from 1,000 characters to 3000 characters!

Customers will continue to benefit from these Improvements to usability and ease of authoring!


Integrations / SDK / BI

Customers will benefit from the new Habb integration capabilities.

Support for SSO via generic OIDC is now available for Atheer Studio and Atheer Lens

We’ve added an OIDC authentication setup tab in Atheer Studio to support single sign-on (SSO)via generic OIDC.


Now customers can configure both Atheer Studio and Atheer Lens for this type of SSO.


Support User Provisioning through SCIM

Using SCIM, we now have the ability to integrate with Microsoft Active Directory (AD) and other user directory providers to keep Atheer User information up-to-date.


To manually maintain large numbers of users on Atheer (up to many thousands) would take significant administrative effort. Now  we can integrate with customers’ Active Directories (AD), and the updates will happen automatically based on the changes in the internal AD. Almost any major user identity vendor provides user synchronization using the SCIM API, and now we can easily integrate with them.

Enterprise customers with Active Directory or other user directory providers can now provision and manage their many Atheer users with their enterprise tools. They no longer need to manage Atheer users separately in Atheer Studio.



In addition to the above, there are other updates and fixes in the Habb release that improve performance and the user experience throughout the platform.

Please feel free to reach out to our customer success team for additional information (support@atheerair.com).

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